Our services

Advice to companies to correctly comply with the Training Plans and Programs in “Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social / STPS”.


Training Consulting STPS

We guide you step by step for the creation of your Training program, detection of Needs, preparation of your DC1 and DC2 formats and writings, preparation of DC3 Work Skills Certificates, even the creation and loading of the Layout in the SIRCE system to obtain your DC4 format.

Let’s do it step by step:

  • Creation of your training program

  • Detection of needs

  • Elaboration of your formats and writings of DC1 and DC2

  • Elaboration of Certificates for working abilities DC3

  • Creation and loading of Layouts in SIRCE system to obtain your DC4 Plans and Programs presentation formats

To work with us is to guarantee the quality in all the stages of your project.

Specialized knowledge and expertise

Other services we offer

Coating Certification and Testing

Reach out to our team for additional customized assistance.

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